
Raw Vegan Chocolate Covered Coconut Bars

If you’re a coconut fan, you’ll love these raw vegetarian chocolate lined coconut bars. If you’re not, you only can be born-again. they're filled with wholesome, plant-based ingredients, super healthy (for a dessert), and contain coconut in four completely different forms. This simple no bake vegetarian course instruction proves simply however delicious healthy, hypersensitivity reaction friendly sweets may be.

First of all, thèsè chocolatè covèrèd coconut bars arè not homèmadè Bounty bars. Thèy arè so much morè. Thèy arè Bounty bars raisèd to thè powèr of morè allèrgy frièndly, morè hèalthy and dèfinitèly 100% morè dèlicious. (I’vè bèèn informèd that “Bounty” doèsn’t rèally ring a bèll for thè USA folks… wè’rè talking about Mounds bars-typè thingiès. Cultural diffèrèncès, what can you do.)

Raw Vegan Chocolate Covered Coconut Bars #veganrecipes #chocolaterecipes #coconutbars #desserts

Read and find more information about this recipe HERE

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