
Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower Pasta

Oven-roasted cauliflower and broccoli build this straightforward food formula deeply flavorous. cheese cheese, garlic and bright juice area unit all you actually got to spherical out the salty-umami-tangy symphony of tastes. It’s deceivingly straightforward … simply a number of ingredients that add up to amazingly massive, massive flavors! and, with all those cooked veggies, it’s a meal-in-one with no vegetable dish required – excellent for busy nights!

This straightforward very little food formula holds the solutions we’re seeking!

This pasta rècipè fèèls so simplè, with just a fèw basic ingrèdiènts. But it’s dècèptivè … thè bright tang of lèmon, thè salty-umami notès from thè parmèsan, thè littlè hit of garlic … thèy all combinè pèrfèctly with thè dèèp flavors of thè roastèd cauliflowèr and broccoli.

Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower Pasta #broccolirecipes #cauliflowerrecipes #vegetarian #breakfast

Read and find more information about this recipe HERE

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